Each Sunday at Impact Church you’ll find a relaxed and inviting atmosphere with a spirit filled worship experience. Pastor Roche Coleman passionately communicates God’s Word with a unique level of clarity and insight. The primary emphasis of his ministry is the faithful teaching of the Bible, the importance of community worship, and the priority of prayer and small-group ministries.
8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
You will be greeted by warm and welcoming people!
Here at Impact we strive to be as inviting and friendly as possible. We will welcome you through our doors with open arms ready to meet you and assist with whatever you need. We welcome all people to our church and pray you have a move of God in your life by experiencing our community and Biblical teaching.
The service will begin with worship and transition into a message from our Senior Pastor Roche Coleman.
At the end of service we will have a free gift for all first time guests and we welcome you to stay and meet our loving community.
This is great for building relationships and to help us fulfil our mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Join us at 9:30AM for indeph classes. See classes and locations bellow.
Nursery-PreK - Main Building Room 104
Children K-5th - Main Building Room 103
Youth 6th-12th - Youth Building
Young Adults - Children’s Building Class 1
Women’s - Children’s Building Class 2
Co-Ed - Children’s Building Sanctuary
New Members Class - Welcome Room